Canine arthritis and how massage therapy can help.

dog getting a massage

By tploinfo

Older dogs have a thinner layer of cartilage, making them more prone to developing arthritis. This condition is a common problem, especially among bigger breeds of dogs.

So if your dog has arthritis, what can you do to relieve the pain and improve their quality of life?

Consider giving them a massage. Showing your dog some TLC through a massage carries significant benefits. In this article, we’ll go through the benefits and the proper way to massage your dog with arthritis.

What is Canine Arthritis?

Arthritis in dogs occurs when their joints fail to provide proper cushioning to the bones. The rubbing between the bones creates friction and damage. In turn, it could make movement painful.

Your dog could be more prone to developing arthritis because of its age, size, weight, and genes. Dogs that have been diagnosed with the condition have difficulty getting up or moving around. You may also notice other signs such as sudden weight loss, irritability, and pain symptoms. If you suspect your dog has arthritis, take them to your vet as soon as possible.

Take note that canine arthritis is a progressive disease, and there is currently no known cure. As a pet owner, it helps to know what you can do to help your canine manage this disease.

How Can You Help Your Dog with Arthritis?

Even though there is no known cure for arthritis, you can still take steps to alleviate your dog’s discomfort. Some things you can do is help your pet maintain a healthy weight and try natural remedies for arthritis.

Another option is canine massage therapy. Performing a massage can relieve the pain symptoms and slow down the progression of arthritis.

What are the Benefits of Massaging Dogs with Arthritis?

Massaging your pet with arthritis can significantly improve its quality of life. The purpose of a massage is to provide relief, ease sore muscles, and reduce stress. 

Some benefits of massaging dogs with arthritis include:

• Increased circulation: Massaging your pet’s muscles promotes better blood circulation, reducing any swelling and inflammation. 

• Reduces discomfort: Gently rubbing your pet’s body can help reduce the pain and inflammation. It also prevents muscle spasms and stiffness. 

• Promotes mobility: When you massage your canine, you’re loosening up constricted muscles and tissues. Through gentle movement, you help your dog stretch better and maintain mobility.

Original posting here.


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